City of Olympia Police Department Officer Involved Shooting August 22, 2022
CMIIT Investigators for Olympia PD investigation:
*All investigative team members have been screened for conflicts of interest by the City of Olympia community representatives.
Internal Investigation case report 2023-001 and all evidence noted in that report:
- OPD case report 2023-1958
- Officer Thomas BWC video
- RMS records of contact with Ms. Delaney
- Olympia Fire Department Patient Care Record, noted “Incident #: 230890063”
- City of Olympia Lateral Police Officer Job description
- Officer Lutz training record
Media Releases
If you have any questions regarding this case,
please direct them to:
PIO: Sergeant Shannon Barnes, Lacey Police Department
[email protected]
please direct them to:
PIO: Sergeant Shannon Barnes, Lacey Police Department
[email protected]